I Caught a Cold

In the lunch time, I felt a cold. After few hours, it became terribly. So, I left work earlier than usual.

I went to a hospital Shinjuku NS Building Clinic. (I live in Shinjuku with my grandmother)

First, checking my temperature. It was 38.7℃!! Doctor said that it might be flu, you should take flu check.

Second, flu check. Nurse take a cotton stick and put it into my nose(About 4~5cm). And scratched it(5times Back and Force) to take material for checking. It was very painful(>_<) After 15miutes the result was Negative. I felt little bit better...

Third, I paid the fee. The price was ¥1910. There was only ¥2000 in my purse...

Fourth, I bought a medicine. The medicine store was very crowded. I waited for a longtime to call my name. I got ロキソニン,クラビット,トランサミンカプセル,ダーゼン 5days. The price was ¥1480. I didn't have enough money, So I used a credit card.

Finally, I came home. I ate UDON and took medicine.

I will sleep early today.

大体通じますかね・・・。 ありきたりな日常的な事は英語で書いてみようかな。。
