

“CISCO坂”/DARTHREIDER feat. ZEN LA ROCK/カルデラビスタ の PV 自分は学生時代、渋谷のレコード屋に通うB-BOYでした。 ドンピシャで↓この世代です。 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kexNxTFf3DI&hl=ja&fs=1&w=425&h=344] Steruss feat.サイプ…

I Caught a Cold

In the lunch time, I felt a cold. After few hours, it became terribly. So, I left work earlier than usual. I went to a hospital Shinjuku NS Building Clinic. (I live in Shinjuku with my grandmother) First, checking my temperature. It was 38…