#CloudSearch Meetup at Amazon Meguro Office in Oct 2014

CloudSearch Team came to Tokyo in May 2014 and then we had Amazon CloudSearch meetup. Here is my report -> [Report] #CloudSearch Meetup at Amazon Japan Office (http://shinodogg.com/?p=6034)   We had meetup again here in Tokyo. Cause Rob Walters(General Manager) and Vivek Sriram(Principal Business Development) were here! Around 50 people were gathered :)   Keynote - Rob Walters     Rob introduced A9(Amazon's subsidiary. Developing Amazon Product Search, Visual Search, and CloudSearch). He stressed that Japan market is important and commitment to Japan is strong. Rob also introduced global CloudSearch use-cases.   - THE TIMES Archive search back to 1700s Low-cost, high-throughput, low-latency search   - SmugMug Billions of documents!   - Amazon "amazon simle" and "Goodreads"   And, thanks Ryoichi(@ryo1kato) for translating!     ■ CloudSearch Deep Dive - Eiji Shinohara   I talked CloudSearch detailed things. I introduced latest CloudSearch updates like CloudTrail support, Bigram Indexing, and Customising Japanese Tokenization.   I'm going to update following slides and upload it later. [slideshare id=34694005&w=425&h=355&fb=0&mw=0&mh=0&style=border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no]

    ■ 開発者からみたCloudSearch - Yuki Tanaka(@tan_yuki)     ChatWork is using CloudSearch heavily. One of the biggest use-case in Japan. Developer Tanaka-san introduced the way to move to CloudSearch. As you can see following slide, their data is huge but CloudSearch handles that with low-latency :) Managed service is beneficial that they don't need to think of operation and maintenance. //speakerdeck.com/assets/embed.js     ■ CloudSearch nanapiの事例紹介 - Yuhei Kagaya(@yuhei_kagaya)     nanapi is popular life recipe site in Japan. They are using CloudSearch simply but effectively. As you can see the slide, it is very easy to use CloudSearch with CakePHP! Why not to use? :) //speakerdeck.com/assets/embed.js     ■ スクーでのCloudSearch利用事例 - Hromitsu Ito     schoo is life long learning platform. There are AWS classes in schoo! Ito-san heard that CloudSearch is nice to use at 『CTO Night with Amazon CTO Werner Vogels』 in July 2014 at Amazon Meguro Office. Then, Ito-san and schoo developers introduced CloudSearch very quickly(about only one week!!). [slideshare id=40473135&w=425&h=355&fb=0&mw=0&mh=0&style=border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no]     ■ How to improve search - Genta Kaneyama(@PENGUINANA_)     Kaneyama-san is the top-notch Japanese search engineer works at Cookpad(most popular recipe service in Japan). He introduced Black Belt tips for improving search. //speakerdeck.com/assets/embed.js  


I'm honored to have these guys in this meetup! Thank you for your awesome presentations :)   Thanks you for helping me to organize this event Sakatoku-san and Hoshino-san!  

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