SpringSource news letter - Issue 54 を読んでみた

■ SpringSource news letter ↓こんなメールがきてましたよ、と。     ■ Springもイロイロあったやね、と。   ・Rod Johnsonの通称ハゲ本が出版されたのは2004年 ・Interface21がSpringSourceになったのは2007年 ・SpringSourceがVMwareに買収されたのは2009年 ・Rod JohnsonがSpringから居なくなったのは2011年   で、VMwareとEMCがSpringSourceとか、CloudFoundryとか、Greenplumとか、RabbitMQとか、Redisとか、、 ↓こんな感じでガッツリいろんなプロダクトもったの束ねたPivotal Initiativesって会社を作ったよ、と。 ってか、このマインドマップすげーなw ↓のブログから拝借しました。 http://blog.chariotsolutions.com/2012/12/the-pivotal-initiative-vmware-and-emc.html   ってことで、今後Springってどうなってくんだろ?ってのはJava屋としては関心ごとの一つなのですが、 #この際だからOracleの標準なJava(EJBとか今軽量らしいし)でやってく?ってのも一つ。 ちょうどソレっぽいのが書いてあったので、チョイ訳してみます。 (テキトー過ぎてスミマセンw 英語で読める人はちゃんと読んだ方がよろしいかと…)     ■ Spring and Open Source at Pivotal  

Spring and Open Source at Pivotal - Attend the launch event April 29th, 2013 to learn more!

PivotalでのSpring and Open Sourceに関して4月29日にローンチイベントやるぜ、と。 ↓www.gopivotal.comに行くと何のページだか分からないような。。。    ↓んで、見ると『Wednesday, April 24th』って書いてあるんだけどねww   とりあえず登録だけはしてみました。  

SpringSource's CTO Adrian Colyer recently blogged about Spring's role at Pivotal, a must–read about how critical Spring will be for Pivotal's success.

CTOのAdrianさんが最近Pivotalの中でのSpring's roleってブログを書いたので必読です、と。 どんだけPivotalの成功にSpringがクリティカルかって事が書いてあるらしい。 #このブログに関しても下に載せますね。  

Spring provides the needed application development technology that must complement any new data fabric (like Hadoop). Data needs apps: they are what make data useful, interesting and informative. And apps need data, which can exist in a growing variety of data stores. Key Spring capabilities like Integration, Batch, and Data work cooperatively to enable data ingest/distribution, data access and simplified application development for processing data.

Hadoopとかみたいな新しいテクノロジーが出てきた時に、Springはそれをイイ感じに使いやすく~的な。 BatchとかIntegrationとかも。 #確かにいろんなミドルウエアに対して、慣れた感じでDIしてホゲホゲって出来るのはナイスすよね。 #最近だとMongoDBとか違和感なかったし。  

Pivotal recognizes that developers should be able to use their Spring skills in new application and data platforms. To learn more, attend the Pivotal launch event on April 29th, 2013!

Pivotalは上記の事をちゃんと認識してるんですよーってことですが、続きはイベントで的な。     ■ SPRING AND OPEN SOURCE AT THE PIVOTAL INITIATIVE   http://blog.springsource.org/2013/04/03/spring-and-open-source-at-the-pivotal-initiative/ 上記で取り上げられてたCTOのAdrianによるブログポスト。 コレもガッツリ長いので思いっきりかいつまんで。。。  

By now you’ve probably heard about Pivotal. I’d like to take a moment here to explain what this means for Spring, and to tell you about some of our plans for 2013.

Pivotalなアレを知ってるかもだけど、それがSpringにとってどんな感じなのかってのと 2013年どんな風にやってくかって事を書きやす。  

In case you missed it, here’s the essential background on Pivotal: Led by Paul Maritz, the initiative unites key people and projects from across EMC and VMware to bring “consumer grade” technology to the enterprise. We see a new generation of applications emerging that are powered by new data fabrics and will interact with and serve customers in the context of who they are, where they are, and what they are doing in the moment. These applications will be built, deployed, and scaled at unprecedented pace. They will store, manage, and deliver value from large data sets, and do all of this on one unified platform underpinned by open source technologies. … and now we return to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

もし知らなかったらあれだけど、ポールさんって人が頭で、EMCとVMwareから集まった人達で、 『“consumer grade” technology to the enterprise』ってのが標語的な感じだよ、と。 新しいデータファブリックを搭載したアプリケーションで、誰?どこ?何?とかを瞬時に顧客に提供してて、凄いペースで開発されてます、と。んでそれがOSS技術に支えられた統合プラットフォームなんちゃら。 #よく聞きそうなアレですが、具体的な事はよく分かりません…w  

Our Spring teams are part of the Pivotal and Spring is central to the Pivotal strategy together with Pivotal HD and Cloud Foundry. Spring is a dominant force in the enterprise and we have a really strong roadmap laid out for 2013 including, but by no means limited to, the release of Spring Framework 4. This will be only the third time in our history that we have incremented the major version of Spring and it is not something we do lightly. You have every reason to expect great things of us, and we do not intend to disappoint you!

で、Springのチームはどうかっていうと、Pivotalの中で、 Pivotal HD(Hadoopディストリビューションらしい)とCloud Foundryと一緒に中心的な存在だ、と。 んで、これまた具体的な感じじゃないけど、強力なロードマップがあって、Spring Framework4出すぜ的な。 メジャーバージョン出すのは3回目で、lightな感じじゃないけど、ガッカリさせやしないぜ、と。 #まだ、他のプロダクトとどうホゲホゲってのは出てこないですね。。  

As part of the Pivotal, Spring will continue to be driven forward by the Spring project leads: Juergen Hoeller, Chris Beams, Mark Fisher, Mark Pollack, and many others whom you’ve all come to know and trust over the years. Their experience, deep technical knowledge and innovative thinking will continue to guide Spring’s development.


Focus areas for Spring in 2013 include facilitating modern application architectures, tackling big data application complexity, and improving the end-to-end Spring developer experience. The Spring Framework 4.0 roadmap will ensure you can fully exploit the latest developments in the Java ecosystem. With Java SE 8 in particular, it’s as if it was made for Spring! Lambda expressions work beautifully with our long-term approach to templates and callback interfaces. For example, here’s how the venerable JDBC template might look with lambdas:
Person person = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
                    “select name, age from person where id = 42”,
                    (rs, rowNum) -> {
                               return new Person(

モダンなアプリケーション・アーキテクチャとか、ビッグデータの何チャラとか。 が、一番アツいはJava8でサポートされるラムダ式をSpringでこんな風に使えるんだぜ的な。 #あー、話そっち行っちゃいましたかっていう…w  

We will also be investigating asynchronous web usage patterns and non-servlet based runtime support. As part of improving the end-to-end developer experience we plan to bring our documentation, samples and website fully up to date to focus on best practices in enterprise application development. Expect to see more task-oriented as opposed to project-oriented materials.

非同期ウェブ何チャラとか、non-servlet based runtime supportとか調査進めてて、 プロジェクトオリエンテッドとは逆にタスクオリエンテッドな感じを期待しててくれ的な。 #なんかあんまりよく分かんないけど、そんなに重要な事が書いてあるわけでもなさそう。  

When it comes to tackling big data application complexity we will be building on the great progress Spring has already made in these areas. As Hadoop-based data fabrics continue to emerge in the enterprise we aim to provide a unified, simplified experience for big data application development, including distributed data ingestion and real-time analytics, Hadoop workflow orchestration, and data export from HDFS to relational and non-relational stores. You'll hear much more from us on this in the months to come — Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0 is just the beginning. Spring for Apache Hadoop works with all the major Hadoop distributions – Hortonworks, Cloudera, MapR, and our own Pivotal HD Community Edition, and is fully integrated in the commercial Pivotal HD.

ビッグデータほげほげな話に関しては、Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0は序章であって、 いろんなHadoopディストリビューションに使えるけど、 コマーシャル版はPivotal HDにfully integratedされてる、と。 #コレも既出なネタだしなぁ↓



Groovy and Grails are part of the extended Spring family. If you like the look of Java SE 8, but fear it may take some time before your organization embraces it as a production runtime then there is good news: the Groovy language already offers modern features such as closures and functional programming styles, together with optional static typing, and all fully supported on JRE 6 and 7! Groovy is increasingly being used by those looking for enhanced productivity, expressive DSL support, and first class integration with the Java language and libraries. These features also make developing asynchronous and parallel applications simpler. Tighter integration with Groovy is on the roadmap for Spring Framework 4, and Groovy provides a compelling complement to Java even if you do have access to SE 8.

GroovyとGrailsは自分はあんまりノータッチなのでちょっとアレなのですが、 Spring Framework4になると、もっと強固な関係になるらしい。  

Grails 3.0 will separate Grails from the traditional application server and extend Grails’ reach to allow for the development of lightweight, asynchronous applications. Grails’ persistence technology GORM has also been evolving beyond the traditional relational database, with implementations for NoSQL databases now available. GORM will continue to be an important technology for us as enterprise data fabrics evolve.


  Cloud Foundry, the open platform-as-a-service project, is also part of the Pivotal Initiative. We’ll be making sure that there is first class support for Spring and Grails apps in Cloud Foundry – both in the public cloud and inside the enterprise. For more details on Cloud Foundry as part of the Pivotal Initiative please check out the Cloud Foundry Blog. RabbitMQ, Redis, and our contributors to Apache Tomcat are all coming along for the ride too! Don’t miss SpringOne 2GX this year

CloudFoundry上でSpringとGrailsを~ってのはfirst class supportだ、と。 んま、詳しいことはCloudFoundryのBlogみてね、って、あー、そうですか、と。。 RabitMQとかRedisとか周りに関しても今年のSpringOne見逃すな! (って結構先な話ですよね。。やっぱ、まだ、あんまイロイロ決まってないんでしょかねぇ。。)  

The best place to get all of the in-depth information, meet with the project leads, and be part of the Spring story is at our SpringOne 2GX 2013 conference Sept 9-13 in Santa Clara, CA. There is so much we want to share with you that we’ve already started planning the keynotes to figure out how best to fit it all in. That’s a lot more prepared than we were heading into the first ever SpringOne (then called The Spring Experience) in 2005, I can assure you!

んま、いっちゃんイイのは9月にサンタクララでやるSpringのカンファにこいやって感じらしい。 #自分は去年、会社の制度使って行けるかと思ったけど、結局行けなかったし、今年も無理そうだけど。。  


って感じで、なんか欲しい情報ってあんまり無かった感じなのですが、 長いことウォッチしてるプロダクトなのでイイ感じになってってくれるといいのですが。。

Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB
Rod Johnson
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