Nikko One-Day Trip 2014 June

I just wanted to feel natural atmosphere. I didn't build a plan but just off to Nikko.

I took TOBU limited express train called KINU from Kita-Senju.

Just sit-back-relax.

Change to the local train at Shimo-Imaichi.

Arrived at TOBU-Nikko station.

Near the statin, there is a convenience store and I withdrew some money. (Need some cash to get into Temple and Shrine) And walked down to the Nikko World Heritage Area. I got hungry and stop by 食堂 食堂すゞき Shokudo-Suzuki. I ordered YUBA(famous Nikko cuisine) pasta. Yummy. Dessert was awesome :)

神橋(Shinkyo. Means holy bridge)

Enter the World Heritage Area!

輪王寺(Rinno-ji). Just a construction site!! lol

IHI( is in charge of this.

Niwa was beautiful.

I was able to drink natural water. (飲み水 means "water for drink")

東照宮(Tou-Sho-Gu) is the most popular place in Nikko.

五重塔(Go-Ju-No-Tou. five-story pagoda)

World Famous Three Wise Monkeys!!

Yeah, gorgeous!

Really detailed and high-quality.

眠り猫(Sleeping cat. In the opposite side, bird is singing. But cat sleeps. That means so peaceful)

We can climb up to get to 奥社(Oku-sha)

This is what I want to feel :)

When I was a kid, I went to Nikko as school trip and I was totally moved by 鳴龍(Naki-Ryu. Dragon Barks) The building was under construction but I was able to be and hear the coooool dragon sound! Not only sound, Dragon painting on the ceil is also great. I think that design is nice for tatoos..

Walked in the fresh air.


縁結びの木(matchmaking tree)

家光廟大猷院. Tokugawa Iemitsu grave. He was a well known monarch.


This is like 竜宮城(Ryu-gu-jyo) entrance


Unfortunately time is limited. I came back to Tokyo by TOBU train.